Steve Merritt, Crowne Black Diamond, was 17. Juli in Köln. Inserted in the short term between London and Tel Aviv. The German distributors, it was his value. Pictured from right to left, Steve Merritt – Michael Schaefer.

Steve Merritt is the number. 2 in Sales at MonaVie.

4 Hours at a time, he has us all excited. His reason to start with MonaVie, “He wanted his wife Gina, the 24 Stewardess years and was here 3-4 Days a week away from home, take her home.” Instead, he has given everything, Today, after 4 Years with MonaVie are Steve and Gina Merritt, the number. 2 in companies with annual earnings of more than 6 Million dollars. This does not create any, But everyone has this chance to do it.

My personal thanks to Eve and Ertuel for short-term, Super Organization.

Independent Distributor #2265770
Michael Schaefer